Wednesday 16 April 2014

Research and Planning; Publication Plan

My music magazine will be called 'OUT CAST', I chose this  name because my magazine features all the charts, new artists, best albums, ect and I thought out cast would suggest in included all music genres and is very simple. I will be selling the magazine for £1.60 because I think it's a reasonable price for a music magazine and when I did my questionnaire the majority of the pubic said they would spend about £2-£3 on a music magazine a month and considering It's a monthly magazine I think it's a reasonable price. It will be sold in local corner shops as well as high street shops such as WHSmiths, because if i just sell it in a few shops then it might not get as many customers.
 My magazines colour scheme will be yellow, green and white as they are bold colours and the colours will be bright to attract attention will stand out of the patterned background . My target audience for my music magazine will be females.
The layout for my front cover will be very simple and spaced out, I don't want to put too much on the cover and make it look crowed, I will have a medium shot for my front cover and the image will be in colour with the headings in black with a big and bold font, some of the featured titles will be; competitions, best albums, latest fashion (get the look of a celebrity)
my magazine doesn't have a certain genre as the magazines content depends on what the recent top 40 is so it should mainly be pop/hip hop. I want my magazine to be suitable for people who like different music and aren't interested in a certain genre.
my contents page will have a close up of my model while they pulls a face, the image  will be in black and white and have black text along the left side of the page then on the right side a box with the heading of the related heading of the picture. some of the contents will be; new artists, top 40, new realises, interviews, get the look, top gadgets e.g. headphones, speakers, ect
My double page spread will be a question and answer with of my models who's going to be an 'rising star', it will have a image of him/her on the left side then the question and answer on the left, it will be set out like this;
' Q; ..........
' A; ..........

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