Friday 4 April 2014

research and planning; Contents page research

This layout for a contents page looks good as its very simple which is important because sometimes they are too packed and full of images whereas on this layout everything is quite spaced out so you know when it's the end of a sentence and a new one begins then the page which is linked with the image is on the other side and in a highlighted box. when doing my contents page, I think Im going to use this style as its easy to follow and eye catching, also everything is black and white then the page numbers and heading is in a pink which directs your eyes to the colour that stands out on the page.

This layout is very fun and different, it looks good with the image being based around the text, it acts as if its a frame for the text. However, the way the 'contents' heading is presented is quirky which would suit my genre of music as i'm doing the top charts, its a mixed genre and includes different artists show it would demonstrate how its different and a unique magazine. Im not to keen on how the text is all squished together. It has a very basic colour scheme, black and white and then the model is the only real colour on the page so she stands out

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