Friday 6 September 2013

Research and Planning; Photoshop challenge

1. To begin with I opened a blank document on photoshop by clicking file, then new
2. Then I clicked on the 'T' symbol and wrote "AS media studdies" then highlighted the text and made it font size 24 in the 'century gothic' font
3.Thirdly, I changed the colour of the text by highlighting it and selecting the colour red at the side tool bar. Then dragged it into the centre of the page.
4. I made the background colour blue by going to the top tool bar, clicked layer, new fill layer then clicked solid colour
5. next I made the text have a shadow drop, I did this by going to layer, layer style then drop shadow the 4th down.
6. As I went to google to get the image of the man, then I clicked and dragged him onto my canvas and cut his background out by quick select tool and then deleted it.
7. Then I changed the colour of his hair by using the paint brush, selecting a colour off the right hand side tool bar and had the brush at size 9 and carefully went over his hair and beard in pink and purple
8. After, I went over his glasses and made them into sunglasses, I used the circle tool to create the shape of his glasses and made them blue
9. lastly, i used the rectangle tool to create a red border for my piece.

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