Wednesday 11 September 2013

Research and Planning; Front cover analysis

The masthead of the magazine is called 'company' and its done in Big bold text to draw attention to the magazine, also as its in pink it would attract girly girls who are into fashion. The main image is of a fashionable girl dressed for summer. there are a variety of slogans  such as ' make up and party' which will be for girls who want a new look for when the go out instead of the same boring loo, also the other texts have a summer theme, feminine approach  to stand out on the cream background/the girl so it will attract girls with to the magazine because of the style f the magazine suits their fashion sense.
Also each section of an article is done in a different front to demonstrate the variety if information inside which could be to highlight and attract different girls to the magazine,as it  goes from make up tutorials in 'party invitation ' style to making money is a bold plain serious text.However, there is 'Ibiza' across the bottom on the magazine is a light pink colour, to show the how big of a vacation it would be and maybe symbolise the drinks they would get.

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