Friday 6 September 2013

Research and Planning; CD cover

1. Firstly, I opened up an image of a CD, french horn and music sheet. Then went onto the cd layer and used the marquee tool which allowed us to select the cd, then used the mouse tool to drag the CD onto the music note background.
2. I made the CD smaller and placed it at the bottom left hand side and changed the colour of it to a light blue by clicking layer, layer style then colour overlay.
3. I clicked onto the French horn layer and did the same but used the quick selected tool due to it being a funny shape. After dragging it onto my music layer I changed the colour to a bras colour.
4. Next, I used the 'T' box to create a text box and wrote Jordan-Mary Goodall onto it and made the text larger and a different font
5. I then added music notes and placed the coming out of the Horn 
6. Finally, I edited the background by going onto layer and trying different things and it the end I made mine into tiles, to be unique.

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