Monday 31 March 2014

To do list

- Social network answers to questions
- front cover, contents page and double page spread research

Sunday 30 March 2014

Research and planning; photoshoot area

I've decided to do my photos inside because I will be cutting them out and putting them onto a white background, because I think the white will make the images stand out more and it fits my genre more than an outside photo shoot. The white background can be arranged at my house and will be easier than finding a certain spot for the photos to be taken

Research and Planning; music magazine Questionnaire

This is my Questionnaire that i created on poll I created it to help me when design my music magazine, I'm currently waiting my responses which will then help me choose what I should include

Research and analysis: mood board

This is my magazine collage/ mood board. I used different magazines and selected different texts and images to create the mood board, I've done this to help me choose what style of text I should use in my magazine. In this I've included titles, subheadings and mastheads to help me choose fonts and sizes which could appear to my selected target audiance. Also, based on the colour schemes in the magazines you can tell that some are from the same magazine. In this there are a variety of images that are of celebrities that's have a story attached to them and adds such as morrisons and different cloth brands, which will help me put different images onto my magazine 

research and planning; costume and props

For my models photo shoot I will need to get my models fashionable clothes that are affordable and can find on the high street but also link with the genre of my music magazine, because most people want to know where there favourite celebrity shops and how to get the look. although it's a music magazine I think that fashion blends in with the music as it tends to class when they do concerts and performances and when looking at music magazines you get a few pages of fashion

Saturday 29 March 2014

research and planning: 3 Masthead designs

here are 3 masthead designs; the first one looks quite childish as pink tends to attract kids under the age of 14 also, its very easy to read with bubbly text, whereas the NME one is very big and bold with red, white and black colours which are expressive colours. then the final masthead is very loud and bold which would attract women as it suggest a gossip magazine.

To do list

- mast head design
- costume and props
- mood board

Wednesday 26 March 2014

possible music magazine mastheads

I have a few different  ideas of what I could call my music magazine;
- latest
- Vibes
- bust a move
- charts
-out cast

Monday 24 March 2014

Research and Planning; make up research

My Model will have quite natural make up but have lots of eye make up on so that she stands out of the background. As it's a music magazine for chart music I don't want her to have dead heavy make up on, but more of a natural one. I don't want her to look covered in make up as my magazine is aimed at 16 years olds to 30 year olds, so I think basic make up will influence the younger ones to not go over the top on make up while the older ones will see it and think of it as a night out make up. here are a few image on what sort of make I'm thinking about doing on my model, I also have a few websites which will help me do the sort of make up I'm looking to do.

Sunday 23 March 2014

research and planning; pose research

For my front cover I think I might have a close up of my model so that you can see her make up,  while she smiles or pulls a face. I want my magazine to be fun and not too serious so my models will look fashionable and will have mess about pictures.

Research and planning; test shots

Here is one of my test shots for my music magazine, I decided to have a 'silly' style of image as I do t want my cover to look serious and boring I want it to seem fun and interesting which will make them buy my magazine 

  Then I took a more serious but not too serious picture, I wanted a nice picture with casual close so that my magazine look more casual and relaxed than fun or boring. 

Finally I did a mid shot of my model were she's smiling. I thought it would make the magazine look bright as her pink jumper stands out on the background 

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Friday 7 March 2014

Research and Planning; Equipment

To make my Magazine I will need to use the following equipment;

- Lights which will help highlight certain features on my model and make the image more brighter.
- Camera
- imac computer so that I can put my picture onto the magazine and edit and       make my magazine.
- Indesign to put my magazine together
- Photoshop to edit my models photo

Research and planning; shot types

extreme long shot

long shot

establishing shot

medium shot

master shot
close up
extreme close up
2 shot

Thursday 6 March 2014

Research and Planning; possible models

My first model is beth mcdoanld
I've chosen her to be my model because she has short brown hair that will be easy to styles with  depending on what looks best with her outfit on the day. 

My second model is andrew findlay. I've chosen him to be my model as he is a boy it will get girls to view my magazine. He has fashionable clothing too which will be similar to the other models clothes- won't have one dressed as a rocker then one as a hippy- 

My final model is Chelsea Williams. I've chosen her as my model because she has long brown hair which can be put up very simple yet looks as if it's had a lot of work, she's also pretty for the boy readers. She has fashionable clothes like the other two. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Research and Planning; magazine examples


The masthead of this magazine is women's health, which suggests its a fitness magazine and considering its done in large red writing it suggests it wants to grab women's attention and the colour red symbolises the danger of women becoming fat if they don't exercise. There is a image of a girl in a bikini which could be to motivate people to get a body like this. The different style of fonts suggest a level of importance, for instance the more big and bold the more serious the issue and the more relaxed and feminine it tends to not be as important to healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

To do list

- magazine examples
- possible models
- equipment I'll be using