Saturday 19 October 2013

Research and planning; hyde logo edit

I decided to put an image of the Hyde Clarendon logo onto the magazine as it would attract hyde Clarendon students. However, I had to use photoshop to colour the background in black before I uploaded it onto my magazine

Friday 11 October 2013

Research and Planning; Film poster

I edited mine and beth' face into the film poster step brothers. To do this I had to take  picture of us and upload them onto photoshop and use the cut out tool to select just our faces and then opened the step brothers poster and put out faces onto each person.  After I did this I had to make it smaller and then use the rubber to get rid of some of our faces to blend it more. After I got my outline of the faces matched up I had to edit our skin so it looked like it blended in using contracts and brightness.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Research and planning; contents page evaluation

This is my contents page for my college magazine. When making my contents page I used In design to create the layout and create my design for my contents page. It allowed me to put my text on in columns so it was organised and then put images onto my layout to make it more professional.

When given the task I felt more confidant than making the front cover, I think it was easier as I now knew how to use the software and it wasn't using photoshop which made it easier to construct as we wasn't using 2 different pieces of software anymore.
I think that my colour scheme went well as I stuck to the bright blues, yellow, greens and purple/pinks which stand out on top of my black background it also matches my front cover which shows I have kept my magazine consistent throughout. Also, I included an advertisement that would help students save. My fonts make my contents page look more organised yet are eye catching and unique.
However, there are a few flaws to my magazine as it looked empty on the side, I couldn't find any pictures which were relevant to the chosen areas so I only had 2 images which were quite bland and boring, therefore some students might put it back down because it doesn't have enough images for them.
Through doing this task I learnt how to use Indesign in more dept. I learned how to construct a layout and how to import images from the internet then learned how to crop and enlarge or shrink the images. I also learned how to make a file into a JPEG, as we was struggling to find out how we got to see what our final piece would look like without all the lines from texts boxes and images.
After a few lessons on indesign It gradually got easier to use as it just became natural to do most of the tasks such as add a text box and add an image, it just got frustrating when you would try to move an Image, it was hard getting into the habit of holding shift while moving a picture. 
In the process of making my college magazine contents page I could have made a  draft which would have allowed me to have more of an idea of what it should contain, as I only put 8 points onto the contents page when I could of added about 14 more which would have made students want to buy or look at it for the other sections that could have been more interesting for them.
 If I was to re-do this I would make many things better. One of the major issues with the contents page is its quite empty on the left hand side so I'd include lots more images to fill the space, or id even write more sections on both sides but still include images. Also, I would put some more sections onto my contents page like how to write a CV, local jobs, ect. Then i'd consider changing my style of font to something more bold and solid, as the 'Contents Page' looks like its made more a child's magazine not a student who's maturing. Finally I'd include some more adverts because I think it was a good idea as it promotes businesses and helps the students save money, which is what they need to do at this time as they don't have a lot of money

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Research and planning: College magazine front cover evaluation

This is my front cover for my college magazine. When making my magazine I used In design to create the layout and do my cover then used photoshop to edit  my images which featured in my magazine, for instance I uses photoshop to edit my picture of Alex (my model) and the hyde logo, I had to edit the background from white to black so it would blend in with my background. As time went by my front cover began to look more like a professional magazine instead of a beginners magazine.
When given the task I felt very unconfidant as i wasn't familiar with the soft wear we was going to be using however I was very keen to experiment and challenge myself especially as it was new to me using photoshop and editing then using indesign to create a magazine cover. 
I think that my colour scheme went well as I stuck to the bright blues, yellow, greens and purple/pinks which stand out ontop of my black background. The font style is very clear so people of different intellectual levels can read it clear without struggling with words. It's very organised and not over packed it has a bit of text is big bright fonts to make it eye catching 
One if the more difficult tasks I had to do was putting a bar code into it, because when you put an image onto the page it was hard to move it as it cropped the image when you tried to move itc you had to click shift in order to move the image, which took us a while to find out
Throughout this task I learned how to use photoshop,I first learnt how to colour people's hair then moved onto getting rid of blemishes and more advanced editing and learning how to select an image and copy it without having all the unwanted background, for example we learned how to cut a person out if a background so we could transfer it onto another document.
After a few lessons on indesign It gradually got easier to use as it just became natural to do most of the tasks such as add a text box and add an image, it just got frustrating when you would try to move an Image, it was hard getting into the habit of holding shift while moving a picture. 
In the process of making my college magazine front cover I could have made a better draft which would have allowed me to have more of an idea of what it should contain, for instance I only put 3 main stories onto the front when I could of added about 2-4 more which would have made it look more interesting and more students would have picked it up as the sections could contain the information they wanted to know about college or even just found a section helpful. If I was to re-do this I would make several things better. One of the major issues with the cover is its quite empty so I'd include lots more sections on the front such as how to write a CV and revision tips as it would benefit the students. I would also get a better picture because this one looks odd as he's wearing black pants and the background is black so it looks like he's floating in the middle of my page. Next I'd change my masthead font to something more bold and chunky as it looks like it part of my sections when the masthead is support to attract people to look as it should stand out and catch peoples eyes. 

Research and Planning; Different shots

This is an over the shoulder shot, it is a shot taken from the perspective of someone else.

Monday 7 October 2013

To do list

- Different shots
- evaluation
 - contents, front cover 
-film poster

Friday 4 October 2013

Research and planning; contents page preview

At the moment my contents page looks like this, I have written what my magazine will include, I now just  have to import some images that will be linked to my articles and i'm also thinking to include an advert for staples as it will be relevant to students as they will need all the equipment. I  have stuck the the colour scheme I chose for my cover so that it has the same consistency of brightness throughout

Wednesday 2 October 2013

research and planning; Magazine, nearly finished

I am at the process of adding my texts to the front of the magazine, I have decided to go for a red, blue, green, yellow and pink colour scheme as they will stand out on my black background which will capture students eyes, also these colours are appealing to both genres not just one. To finish it off I will be getting a better barcode, including an image of alex (my model) and changing the font of my masthead to KG Drops of Jupiter, to make it a bit more fun. Then I will be adding a bar at the bottom which will have the price of the next issue.